Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Grizzly drive to Grizzly

Day 13 - Tuesday, June 25

Our new adventures today included driving the motorhome through the park.  It was the first venture into the park with the Lundcruiser, and was a grizzly drive from the east entrance to the west entrance across the center of the park.  It was a total of 83 miles, and took a little over 3 hours. Temps were at a pleasant 70 degrees when we left, but winds were out again big time, and by the time we got to the west side of the park, the temp was 55 degrees!  
It was similar to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where it can be raining in one turn, and sunny in the other.  We drove through light rain in the park, and then encountered dry roads in another section.

The Lundcruiser did very well, although it was a white knuckle experience in some areas, when going uphill, then steep downhill with a hairpin turn at the end!  Picture that with few guardrails and a dropoff over the side!  Add to the picture, cars braking quickly or pulling over for a photo. Good thing the driver was in full control at all times.  (?..wonder what the brake pads look like?)

Spot seemed to enjoy the trip too!

We landed at Grizzly RV Park in West Yellowstone, MT, less than a mile from the west park entrance where we will be for the next 3 days.  This is a park that was suggested by Max, one of our RV buddies. (Great recommendation Max!)  It's a beautiful RV park--They even have a place for a doggie bath...Spot can't wait!

While traversing the park today, we saw a herd of our elk friends grazing on the hillside.  (I wonder if they would still consider us friends if they knew we had elk burgers for dinner last night?)

 We saw more beautiful views, and a different side of the park.

We took a brief drive around the town of West Yellowstone, and found there are a lot of activities and shopping opportunities. (YAY!! :)  We will catch up on laundry tonight and put together our plan of attack for tomorrow.   By the time we leave the area, we want to say we have driven on every piece of road in Yellowstone! 

The only downside is that I have not turned one page in one book...we've been too busy!  


Anonymous said...

We've been enjoying your daily comments. Glad Grizzly is a nice campground. Hope Spot doesn't over exert himself. Max

Anonymous said...

Jim & Connie how totally awesome. The photos bring back such vivid memories of the wild wild west. Did you actually drive from Red Lodge Montana over Beartoooth Pass into Yellowstone. OMG!!! Glad you are seeing so much. Spot looks like he is enjoying the trip. Keep the blogs photos and video clips coming. Good luck and good weather to you both.