Monday, July 13, 2015

Water, water everywhere!

July 12, 2015 – Day 27

Its hard to believe we are more than halfway through our trip.  Sunday  we drove about 5 hours south to Gros Morne RV Park in Rocky Harbor.  The scenery continues to be awesome, and I am DSCN1371struck by a couple of things:  there is so much shoreline and water—bays, coves, lakes and ponds, and so many rocks; and, there are just not many people…the towns we do come across are small, and packed together around a cove.    There is so much water here, that we found out the provincial dog, the Newfoundland hound, has webbed feet! 

We were looking forward to heading south to find warmer weather, but we greeted by a lot more water in the form of rain.  The rain began just as we left St. Anthony, and continued until 9pm.  It rained so hard and didn’t let up!  I haven’t seen that much rain in a long time.  It gave us a chance to take a nap, catch up on laundry and cleaning, and I finished the socks I was knitting! 

There have been a few more problems reported by the caravan.  One of the 5th-wheels developed a bulging tire, and it was lucky they caught it before it blew.  They spotted it as they entered the campground and were able to change it, but are now trying to find a spare.  They have called all of Newfoundland, and will probably have to wait until they get to Nova Scotia to find one. They will use the buddy system with the other 5th wheels as a precaution until they are able to get a replacement.    The other problem was a microwave door that opened and the glass tray came out and shattered.  That will be a challenge to live without a microwave.  (I’m not sure they stock microwave dish replacements in these towns of 250 people!)

Yesterday was our wagonmaster’s birthday, so we sang to her and celebrated with donuts and coffee at our driver’s meeting before everyone left. We are looking forward to a few days at the park, exploring the adventures and sights it has to offer, and hoping we see only the water on the ground, not water from above!

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