Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Get ‘Er Done Day

July 14, 2015 – Day 29

Oh what a beautiful morning—It was a nice and sunny day.  It’s been so long, we forgot what the suDSCN1387n looked like!  Today was a Get ‘Er Done day on a lot of fronts.  First came Spot. We noticed a little tummy problem with him over the last few days, and since we have 3 more weeks to go, we figured we should get him checked out.  Remember theIMG_2521 comments about everything being so remote??  Well, the nearest vet in the area is 75 miles away in Cornerbrook.  But, we’d do anything for our lil Spot… We got on the road early, and found the vet.  We were greeted by a nice lady with a bird on her shoulder.  She weighed Spot, went through a bunch of questions, and prescribed some medicine that will take care of him within 24 hours.  The pills didn’t taste as good as treats, so he got some cheese to help swallow them, but seems to be doing just fine. 

Right across IMG_2522the street from the vet, I noticed a big sign calling to me (Weight Watchers)  Can you believe they followed me all the way to Newfoundland?   I pretended I didn’t see it and ran the other way—it haunted me the rest of the day, so I had an ice cream cone on the way home!

Since we’ve all been gone from home more than 30 days, everyone is beginning to complain about needing haircuts.  We were delighted to find a hair salon at the corner where we turned into the campground.  They were closed on Monday, so several lined up for the 10:00 opening this morning.  Well, the stylist said she was booked, but since two of the girls have short hair she said she would squeeze them in if they came back at 1:00.  One of the guys got a haircut too, because the girls told a little white lie and said he was the wagonmaster.  The rest of us were out of luck!

There was aIMG_2523 generator problem with one of the motorhomes…it would not start.  They worked yesterday to troubleshoot the problem and isolated it to the unit.  There were phone calls made (unsuccessfully) to locate the fuses inside the generator box.  Today, several pitched in and took off the panels and checked things out.  After a lot of looking and tracing wires, they found a loose connection (probably caused by the bumpy roads) and it’s up and running again.  A big relief.

We found a fish market near our campground, and there was a line of people waiting to buy seafood.  We watched oneIMG_2526 guy fish lobsters out of the tank and put them in a big cooler to take home.  We bought some fresh cod at 4.99 a pound—can’t wait to try it!

On the way homIMG_2527e we saw one of the motels with their sheets hanging outside on the clothesline, drying in the fresh air.  We never see this at home, so it is funny to see it so often here.  

This evening we visited Lobster Cove Lighthouse to watch the sunset. DSCN1414There was a neat trail among the pine trees to get to the beach.  The tide was coming in, and it was fun to watch how quickly the rocks were covered DSCN1389by the incoming water. 


Jim went out to the rocks, but had to hurry back to be sure he didn’t get stranded by the rising water.  DSCN1393-001

The sunset was not as brilliant as last night’s, but we had an opportunity to watch it from a peaceful spot, right along the waters edge. 

A beautiful day in a beautiful place. 

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