Friday, October 20, 2017

Crossing the Country!

Thursday-Friday, October 19-20, 2017

We got an early start Thursday morning and watched the sun rise, providing a colorful backdrop  as we crossed the border intoDSCN9054 the USA!  There were no issues at the border crossing, other than a long line of cars waiting for the shift chaDSCN9057 (2)nge at 8am.  We’ve travelled a lot of miles, and have crossed through state after state on our journey to the Southwest—North Dakota, DSCN9058 (2)South Dakota, Iowa (right on the western tip) where we stayed in a campground last night.  We got up early, travelled on to Nebraska and finally reached ColoraDSCN9060 (2)do late today.  It’s kind of fun to try to catch the state signs as we pass each border, and its also great for re-learning geoDSCN9061 (2)graphy and remDSCN9063 (2)embering how the states line up! We decided to stay in a Walmart parking lot tonight.  We always call ahead and make sure they allow overnight parking in the lot--Some city ordinances do not allow it; if they say ok, we then check in with the store manager when we arrive.  As a courtesy, it is suggested that you shop at Walmart while you’re there (not a problem!)  We bought our dinner at Walmart (a roaster chicken and mashed potatoes—not bad).  I was also able to connect to the wifi, update my Kindle and post this blog!  There are several other overnight “guests” in the parking lot.  We will hit the sack early and head for New Mexico tomorrow night.

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