Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Schooner the Better!

June 27, 2015 Day 12

Today we drove from the North Shore to the South Shore of Nova Scotia, and it only took 2 1/2
hours!  That gives you an idea of the size of the land.  We arrived at the Board of Trade Campground in Lunenburg, NS, which is right on the edge of the old town neighborhood.  Lunenburg is home to Bluenose, the undefeated champion of the North Atlantic fishing fleet and the winner of the international schooner races from 1921-1931.  The boat’s likeness is on the Canadian dime.  Bluenose hit a rock and sank, but they created an exact replica, Bluenose II, which was in at the wharf and we got to go aboard.

We visited the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic which used to be a fish packing house, and learned all kinds of things about the history of fishing in the area, the types of fish, how they fish, etc.  They also had quite a collection of artifacts and displays related to the ships, and shipbuilding.  One ship model was built by a guy in jail, but wasn’t finished before he was released.  They wouldn’t let him stay in jail to finish it, so the day he was released, he picked up a rock and broke a window so he would go back to jail for two weeks to finish!  We also saw live scallops (quite a change from eating them…)   The scallop opens and closes to move water through which creates movement.  As we watched, it spit at us!

We’ve been lucky that there have not been any major problems with our caravan group, but there have been several with “stories to tell”.  The couple that blew a tire on Friday right in front of us were able to nurse it into the campground, and then get help replacing the spare.  Today, after a lot of calling around, they were able to get a replacement spare, not too far from our route here, and were the first ones to the campground!  (they are Canadian, so had plenty of phone minutes to use on locating tire stores in the area.)  They were fortunate, since we’ve only been in small towns along the way.

 One couple made a wrong turn (yes, there are others besides me that have trouble following directions), and in trying to turn around in a short drive-thru, found out that there was a big drop off and the drive was muddy; they ended up almost stuck in the mud on the side of the road.  They had the entire road blocked, had to stop traffic, unhook their tow, and were lucky to get out with only scratches on the vehicle and on their pride.  Today on the trip, the tow-bar broke on one couple’s rv, just as they drove into the campground.  Our group pitched in and between several tool boxes, they came up with a bolt, a tap and other pieces needed to get the tow-bar back in working condition.  Another couple with a 5th wheel had trouble getting their jacks up so that they could get the trailer hooked to the truck.  Three guys got in the back of the truck and jumped up and down to lower the bed enough to get it under the trailer hitch.  They were able to get to our stop, but will not be able to unhook until they find a replacement part. 

I found a tick on my leg today, but was able to get it off before it burrowed in, thank goodness!  Also lucky that Spot got his flea and tick medicine before we left. I think good luck is traveling with us!

Internet is somewhat limited, but hopefully will be good enough to get a post completed.

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