Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Holy Mackerel…We’re In a Fog!

June 30, 2015 Day 15

We went to bed last night hearing the pounding waves outside.  This morning, it was much calmer, but overcast.  The temperature was 14 (Celsius), but rose to 21 by the end of the day.  (I’ll let you translate to Fahrenheit)  It’s been hard to adjust to the different measuring scale.  By the way, It has also been hard to watch the scale in our bathroom which keeps rising every time I stand on it!

This campgroIMG_2470und has been here for 60 years and is run by a local family.  KaIMG_2471ye, the matriarch is 92 years old and served us coffee and gingerbread last night around a campfire!  The daughter and son-in-law treated us to their smoked mackerel along with great stories about living and fishing in the area.  Mackerel is a big fishing target here, and smoked mackerel is a traditional dish.  I didn’t try it, but everyone else thought it was great!

We visited the lighthouse again today and it was amazingDSCN0787 how quickly the fog rolled in and shrouded the area.  It was heavy and thick and difficult to see…makes you appreciate why these lighthouses are necessary to keep the boats away from the rocky shores.  A bagpiper came out DSCN0791and played on the rocks…kind of neat .

The waves were really crashing on the shore—the waves would DSCN0799spray high above the rocks—quite a display of sea power!    We had lunch at the café by the lighthouse, and had a group picture taken.  Too bad the sun didn’t cooperate…


Then, later this afternoon, the fog lifted as quickly as it came in, and we were able to enjoy another beautiful sunset! 

We are almost 1/3 of the way through our trip, and in some ways its gone by quickly, but in other ways, the last campground seems long past.  I’m missing my daily newspaper and crossword puzzles, but not sure I’d have time to do them anyway.  We made a quick trip to the grocery today and found it weird that all of the products are different.  Couldn’t find plain ol’ English muffins (for Connie McMuffins), and no familiar brands except Cheerios. The deli had meats quoted in grams, so we ordered a pound of sliced turkey breast, not knowing it was $14.50 per pound!  Guess we’ll have to get better at those measurements if we do much more shopping!

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