Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Places, People and More Lobstah!

What’s a trip to Maine without a trip to LLBean?  The flagship store which is open 24 hours a day,  is in Freeport, about an hour away, so a few of us settled on visiIMG_2437ting the outlet store that is much closer.  It didn’t disappoint…we all found some goodies to buy!
Bar Harbor is nestled between the mountains of Acadia National Park and the Atlantic Ocean, on Mount Desert Island, the third largest island on the eastern seaboard.  It is only 28 miles across from west to east.  The town was settled in 1763 as a fishing village.
Mount Desert Island is also home to the MDI Laboratory, and the Jackson Laboratory, leading research institutes focusing on genetics and regenerative medicine, and development  of therapies to improve human health. The lobster captain yesterday filled us in on the labs. They employ about 1800 people, and have earned 9 Nobel prizes!  What an interesting place to have a research institute like this…they focus on understanding how animals are able to grow new body parts after injury or disease. (i.e. a lobster can lose a claw and it regenerates itself).  He told a story about seeing a mouse in the lab that had grown an extra ear!  Unfortunately, tours are not offered until later in the summer.
Duane and Marlene-Tailgunners
Jennie and Jon-Wagonmasters
We did get to finally meet the entire group going on the caravan. There are a total of 46 people (23 motorhomes).  The motorhomes are all shapes and sizes, ranging from 2 small Roadmasters (kind of like a big van) to a huge Essex (a high end diesel pusher).   
Our Wagon Masters, Jon and Jennie, along with Tailgunners, Duane and Marlene gave a trip overview and everyone introduced themselves.We have an interesting group—several are full timers, many have been on multiple trips, and for some, this is their first organized trip.  We do not have a beautician in the group, so we’re all going to have to find an alternative for haircuts.  Someone mentioned we’d have to find a place for a pedicure too!  Most are retired, but a few are still working.  One guy mentioned he has a family business that his son and son-in-law are taking over.  His wife said the kids called today and said they have moved his desk out and that heDSCN0361 should consider himself retired!!  Two couples are travelling together from Maryland, and the men are first cousins.   It will be fun to get to know all of them better over the next 48 days.
We closed out the evening with a Lobster Bake!   There was plenty of lobster and clams to go around, served up by our “leaders”. 

Jim was trying to get to know his friendly lobster a bit better before digging in.  It was very tasty, and we topped it off with blueberry pie for dessert.

I’m sure we’ll all sleep well tonight --we’ll be up for an early tour tomorrow.

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