Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Disney Here we Come!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The day has finally come for our departure to Disneyworld!  We’ve talked the past few years about getting the whole family to Disney.  Last spring we decided that if we are going to do it, that this is the year!  So, here we are, on the road to Disneyworld!
Leaving in the middle of winter brings a lot of challenges, like a winter storm, frigid temperatures, etc. etc.  With some luck, Jim was able to get the motorhome into the driveway and plugged in before the snow came.   He shoveled the drive, and most of it was cleared to be able to load without tracking a bunch of stuff inside.  
We are going to be gone for a month, so lots and lots of stuff got loaded. 
The night before we left, Jim’s brother John (the produce man) brought us a box of goodies…10 different kinds of apples, nuts and potatoes..yummy!  We're stocked with lots of good stuff.
The other exciting part of the trip is that Benjamin is traveling down to Florida with us, where we will meet up with the rest of the family on Thursday.  It’s a great opportunity for him to learn about travel, the states, a map, road signs, truck stops, campgrounds, and all kinds of stuff, including patience!  Jim put together “clues” and “lessons” in envelopes to keep him interested.  It’s been fun so far.  
We made it to Manchester, Tennessee today, (the snow is gone!) and we were all glad to stop for the night at the KOA campground. The roads and skies were clear along the route; we just experienced a little wind, so the first leg of this trip was good.   We cooked a meat loaf in the crock pot on the road, and had a great dinner.  It will be an early night to bed, and we’ll hit the road again tomorrow!  Ben was especially glad to have extra room to roam around with his friends!

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